Once upon a Time..
Well 2020 has certainly been a year for the books! We're not going to squawk on about how hard everyone's doing it right now; that goes without saying. What we are going to say is - Thank you!
Thank you to our wonderful clients who have continued to support their local businesses during this time!
Thank you to our fabulous suppliers who have been so amazing these past few months, working with us to achieve the best outcomes for all!
Thank you to our fellow printing peers who have been there to add a positive word or share a beverage with on particularly hard days, you help keep us sane and grounded!
Last and certainly not least, we would like to recognise and thank our wonderful, amazing, resilient and patient team here at Fuzed. Thank you for your hard work, team work and understanding everyday for the past 3 months. Bring on 2021!
Whilst 2020 has seen some hard ends, there has also been some incredible new beginnings. Welcome to the family Oskar! As most of you know our much loved print consultant, Karen is now on Maternity leave until the end of 2020. We are very pleased to announce that her beautiful baby boy, Oskar Brian Farr, joined the family safe and sound at the end of May. He is tiny, born at just 6 pounds 4 ounces and is described as the most “chill” baby ever! Congratulations Karen and Tom!
Pride in Print Awards were incredibly different this year, with Covid-19 delaying the awards to June 25th, the announcements were made live online via the Pride in Print website, instead of the traditional awards evening. We celebrated the occasion by having a watch party in the office with a BBQ, beer and a big screen! Any excuse to party! While it was disappointing not celebrating with our industry peers there is always next year! This year we received 4 Gold medals, 1 Process award for Lenticular and 1 Highly Commended. We have also joined the 50 Gold Medal Winners Club after just 6 years of entries. This was no mean feat so don’t mind us as we gloat about it for a good few years to come!
Over the Covid-19 lockdown Fuzed created a Contact Tracing Solution called Check Yourself and launched it to the wider community. We have had a great response to this and have decided to now evolve it into a Digital Health & Safety Sign-in site for your business to remove the traditional pen and paper sign in sheet we’re all used to.
We love posting on social media; making sure you're all informed in what’s going on here at Fuzed. We have been really putting an effort into our brand awareness lately but we need your help to keep building! Please go to our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn pages and follow us! We’d love you to give us some feedback on your print jobs and our service so please feel free to chuck us a shout out on Google!
Stay safe and stay creative, we’re here when you need us.
The Fuzed Team
Our MATEs make the coolest Stuff